Meet Karen Budd-Falen lawyer, mother, animal ag advocate, one smart lady and my hero. I serve with Karen on another group, "The Ranchers". It was through my connections from the American National Cattlewomen Association and the formation of "The Ranchers" group that I've come to know and respect this awesome lady who not only talks the talk but is walking the walk and WINNING.
The issues she is fighting are complicated and will take some reading for you to fully understand, anyway it did me. These events though, all tie into the "Big Picture" of what is happening to our ranches and rural way of life. It fits snugly between the stories I've shared previously, HSUS' 100 Point Change Agenda, Prop B, Prop 2, and Agenda 21 and ICLEI as we'll soon see when the dots are finally all connected.
This article below explains the issues that Karen and others "brought to light", and through precise actions and tireless efforts, "fixed".
A quote from the following article below...
"It was Budd-Falen’s research on behalf of WLA that uncovered the literally tens of millions of dollars that have been pouring into the coffers of multi-millionaire groups like the Sierra Club, the Defenders of Wildlife, the Center for Biological Diversity and countless others."
Karen Budd-Falen's Victory
Below is another "crazy" issue Karen made us aware of. She keeps us updated on important issues that will eventually affect our way of life.
"There is a new policy being pushed in the U.S. and being adopted by some local governments, to determine natural resource use, not by measuring the gross national product, but the "gross national happiness" Only using gross national happiness can we achieve ecological sustainability.
This sounds crazy, but it's happening...right under our noses.
Karen Budd-Falen is my hero. I still haven't figured out how she gets everything done, two teenagers, lives on a ranch miles from town, is active in her Wyoming community and school and is saving our rancher's livelihoods. Thanks Karen!
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