Tuesday, November 15, 2011

ESA-FWS: The Connection

Below is a link to an article written by my friend, attorney Karen Budd-Falen who I've mentioned in previous post.  Karen does an excellent job fighting for our rights to own land.

Recognize any names from HSUS' 100 Point Change Agenda?

Quoting from this article, "On July 12, 2011, the Justice Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) announced "an historic agreements" which will require the American taxpayers to pay 206,098,920 to just process the paperwork deciding whether to include over 1000 plants, bugs, worms, and other assorted creatures on the Endangered Species list.  None of the money goes to on-the-ground conservation; this taxpayer funding is just to process petitions filed by only two, out of dozens of radical environmental groups who think newts and moths are more important the the elderly or our children....

If the acronyms cause confusion just keep studying and educating yourselves, pretty soon they will sink in.  Karen's summary in the last paragraph of her article states it very plainly.

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