Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Dot Connecting

The below post was started several years ago and not published, I just left it as a draft. There are several of these drafts within Animal Ag Armed that I had even forgotten I'd written maybe I got too busy deflecting all the arrows attacking our industry and just quit writing...I guess that's why I didn't finish them but I want to share them now as they show my concerns are still the same and that these individuals have not stopped layering "private property rights destruction" incrementally into American producer's lives...
p.s. I guess that I hadn't learned about the use of "sustainability"  and the triple bottom line as a tool of destruction.  I don't believe I realized that connection until I met Janet Thompson.  
Some of the links may be broken but I will try and fix them.
p.s.s. I know now why I stopped posting...I'm having trouble even trying to get this posted :)....

As I try to connect more dots and make more sense of what is happening in the animal ag world, I will be darting all over the place and that may get on your nerves. Sorry, but that's what the enemy strives to do: conquer- divide- confuse- disguise intentions- don deceptive "favorable" masks appearing to be friend not foe.  All tactics taken from Sun Tzu’s Art of War.  The enemy we are dealing with is intent on destroying America from within...it's capitalism, its exceptionalism, its power.  It is incrementally taking control of  it's private property rights, it's water, it's energy supply and it's animal ag industry---America's food supply.

They are using many of our influential ag media, and some of our so called "own" to assist in the destruction and collapse of thousands of animal ag producers.
By creating a perpetual stream of propaganda fear and suspect about what we do as farmers, ranchers, animal ag producers and the safety of the product we provide these individuals are very, very clever.

Let's look at some of what's happening:

We've witnessed professional ag journalists repeatedly posting Mercy For Animals videos without verification.

We've witnessed self made "experts" in the field of  animal welfare emerge... from  where? And somehow those individuals know more than the experts in their own field.-the  American Farmer/Rancher.

With a little research we've watched a pattern emerge disclosing connections and crossings of paths of these so called "animal welfare" experts with long time animal activists. And with a little more research a consistent pattern of animal welfare-food safety fear "consumer concern conjuring"  propaganda is reported by our own ag media.

We've watched animal activist's ideals enforced with the help of these "experts" result in the demise of thousands of animal ag producers.

  Follow along as I connect a few more dots.  The battle within animal ag is only a sliver of the "big American takeover" picture, the minute portion of the population that produces food for the world.

We have no ethical obligation to preserve the different breeds of livestock produced through selective breeding ...One generation and out. We have no problems with the extinction of domestic animals. They are creations of human selective breeding.
— Animal People News, May 1993 

We would be foolish and silly not to unite with people in the public health sector, the environmental community, [and] unions, to try to challenge corporate agriculture.
— “Animal Rights 2002” convention, Jul 2002 

                          Let's not forget Pacelle's stance on meat and it's producers


                           Take a closer look at who's involved in the  Global Animal Partnership many ranchers have got on board with HSUS Plays Chicken with Whole Foods


                                      HSUS’ Political Interventions        

                                                  More Proof...

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