Friday, December 23, 2011

Accomplices To Grassroot's Destruction?

   Today will mark the conclusion of my "animal ag producer concerns" case.  Most of my thoughts and questions have been penned and I'm nearing the end of gathering information and connecting dots. From this point forward I will build on the issues previously addressed.
   First of all I want to make one thing clear: animal ag producers and landowners  HAVE ALWAYS been concerned about animal welfare and the succession of a productive environment. The proof is in our perpetual existence. Most days animals and land are given precedence over the welfare of farm and ranching family members. This may sound harsh, but it's true and I'm sure other producers would agree.
   I've aired these concerns from the viewpoint of a 6th generation female rancher. Some of the issues and questions are new, but most of the specific topics covered have bothered and bewildered me for several years.  Our family, along with other ranching families, is being bombarded by them daily.
   Educating and creating public conversation to raise awareness for the protection of fellow family ranchers/ farmers and landowners-Grassroots- was my goal. Hopefully I've stated my thoughts in a logical and understandable way.
   My concerns manifested after a third party audit took place on our ranch, one performed by a company with a gap in knowledge of the motives of extreme animal activists. That day it became apparent that Grassroots must speak up.

   The daily battles Grassroots face include, not only, covert and overt attacks by deceitful extreme animal activists and radical environmentalists, but also a smorgasbord of government overreach.  We are fortunate to have the NCBA,  CBB and other ag organizations working tirelessly to defend us.
                                                   The Tail Wagging The Dog
    Somewhere along the way, other burdens have been added to our backs. Certain groups, individuals and companies have jumped on some "extreme pendulum swinging programs" working to satisfy every so-called consumer concern and whim, creating unintended consequences for producers.
      Consumer studies are clear-the majority of consumers don't want to know how to "make a watch" they merely want to "know the time". They don't want video taped slaughter facilities, or facts on hourly rodent disposal, they simply want to be reassured.  Reassured that the food they consume is wholesome, healthy, safe, clean and raised humanely, and to connect a friendly face to that food. In most instances a simple explanation along with a family photo of the place of origin on products at the meat case satisfies consumer concern and curiosity.
  There are legitimate reasons for audits: a small pocket of elite consumers want more in-depth information about the origin of the food they consume, and certain markets are able to pass on premiums to producers which require third party audits.  But I believe anything more... information that obsessively scrutinizes the lives and activities of animal ag producers and processing facilities is playing into the hands of the Extreme.
  Expensive labor and time intensive protocols for these standards cannot become the norm-the precedence Grassroots must follow to produce products for the majority; a majority base that's predicted to reach 9 billion in the near future.

      I believe this over-kill research and the scrutinizing of every aspect of animal ag production, by some of our own, is handing Grassroots unintended consequences in the forms of more business-killing regulations.  This is causing an out of control snowball affect of increased expenditures for producers.
   I believe some of the programs being implemented are putting ranchers and landowners at risk  for more government overreach by asking that ranch gates be opened wider.
   I also believe that other monetary alluring producer programs, which ask that specific personalized animal welfare information be handed over for animal activist's scrutiny (and who knows who else), further jeopardizes Grassroots.
   I believe that jumping on this bandwagon of magnifying and highlighting the minuscule concerns of a few consumers is negatively distorting mainstream consumer's views of animal ag producer's procedures further; raising more questions-perpetuating more consumer uncertainty
  As I stated earlier: We animal ag producers have ALWAYS held animal and land care above anything else. When specifically did this perception all change? When did The Tail Begin Wagging The Dog?
  Can a doctor or lawyer's business be understood through outside observation?  Neither can outside observers understand the complicated issues facing farmers and ranchers. Decisions being made by good intentioned individuals and groups, some who have little or no knowledge of the processes that create a successful farm or ranch is aiding in the development of  these unintended consequences.

   It's time Grassroot's voices be heard concerning decisions being implemented on our behalf. It's true that we have the opportunity to voice our concerns through membership in our ag organizations, but it has become evident that some of those concerns have been mired by distractions: bureaucracy and friction within some of these groups. The issues needing to be addressed from our standpoint can't wait. They need to be addressed today.
  So in that effort I will continue to build on the topics that are posted. If issues arise and information comes out that is pertinent to Grassroots, I will post it.

   Before concluding I want to share a few more thoughts on the carbon sequestration program and Agenda 21. This topic may seem out in left field but the truth is farmers and ranchers in our area were approached several years ago to sign up. I've had many questions about the true motives behind it since.
Listen to the link below, peel away a few more layers and come to your own conclusion.
Connections of ICLEI,, Agenda 21 and the Carbon Sequestration Program

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Refuting 31,000 Scientist

I'm vollying again, but it's all connected.  Today I'm digging deeper to deflect an attack I spoke about earlier, one I said might cause some toe-stepping; one by a "friend"...or are they foe"?
If you've studied Agenda 21 and ICLEI, this group's ultimate goals seem to be to take control of our private property and our lives.
And now the toe stepping, which I will apologize for in advance.
If someone can explain why a government agency is so determined to push an agenda based on false science, please let me know.
Snopes lays the facts on the warming is a fraud; 31,000 scientists can't be wrong.
This additional wrap being put in animal ag's noose, whether innocent or premeditated, contributes to our death sentence.
Producers before you sign up for anything: educate yourselves, scrutinize and ask questions.   

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Above All Else Pray

Hopefully this is all beginning to make more sense. "Shhh, That's Only Conspiracy Thinking" thoughts are now making their way into mainstream conversations.  Those of us whose names have been included in sentences containing "Black Helicopters" are now relieved of that. 
If you missed Trent Loos'most recent article, here it is Rice and Beans Anyone?.  HSUS' infiltration is so far reaching the possibility of ever stopping them seems insurmountable, especially when animal ag producers are unaware of the danger. 
Raising awareness, garnering knowledge, and possessing courage to speak up are not options for securing the survival of our agriculture heritage, they're a must.
Above all else, pray for the survival of our God given rights to continue to own land and raise animals for the world's consumption.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I'm traveling and haven't had access to a computer until this morning.  I'm ready to dig into Agenda 21 and ICLEI-start connecting more dots.  I'm ready to initiate a larger conversation among the less than 2% of agriculture producers who provide food and fiber to 100% of the world-the ones who will be affected by this insane plan, which up until a month ago, I was unaware of.  That was, until my friend Mindy Patterson raised my awareness.
If you're wondering what in the world is going on this explains a lot.
Share this site: Freedom Advocates  Our society (my kids and grandkids; your kids and grandkids) as a whole will be affected.
Is this the future you want for them?  Neither do I, so stand up and do something about it.

Chew On This

...and this

The discovery of Agenda 21 and ICLEI allowed some answers to questions I'd been having about certain environmental/sustainable programs that I am very uncomfortable with.  In our state there is a  big push for landowners to jump on the 'carbon sequestration' and 'lesser prairie chicken' bandwagon.  Several years ago I questioned the leaders of one of  these programs, the carbon sequestration program in particular, asking them how they can promote this idea, and ask landowners to participate, on the basis of unfounded science.
I was assured that it was all science-based. This was before 'Climategate'.
I've pondered this for several years. After reading about Agenda 21, the picture is clearer, but I'm even more uneasy.
Today, the carbon sequestration program is being touted as a success which still leaves me scratching my head and a new push for a "landowner lesser prairie chicken participant" rebate has emerged. I have question after question about these ideas.  But some of those questions were answered when I was introduced to Agenda 21 and the ICLEI.

A Big Thank You To Trent Loos... By some of the comments it's evident folks are still uninformed of HSUS' True Agenda.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Open The Barn Door Wider, Sleep With the Enemy or Stand and Fight?

My dot connecting is nearly complete.  With a sense of urgency Animal Ag Armed was created to inform and educate fellow animal ag producers.
The reason and facts-plain and simple: Several weeks ago my family was on the brink of handing a list of so called "violations" over to HSUS via a GAP audit. Up until this time, I felt that I was fairly informed about HSUS and their tactics.  I soon realized that I didn't know enough.  Threatened with a cease and desist letter from the auditor, our family witnessed first hand the bizarre and frightening realization of the insidious web of deceit and attacks that has crept into our industry-our society-our lives.

In summary I believe there are three arms being used to destroy small businesses, stifle economic growth (energy-coal, oil etc.)  and undermine animal ag- our livelihoods. It is evident these tentacles over-lap and intertwine creating a financial and legal stronghold on our industries and lives.

It was my intent to tell you what I know, what I've witnessed and experienced and distinguish this web.  You might say "our industry" won't be affected.  I can tell you first is. These groups, acts, programs, individuals and agencies  have cleverly succeeded in finding their way onto our farms and ranches.
We can choose to ignore the facts, or we can educate the remaining few producers and stand and fight.
We can continue to focus solely on the high road, keeping up appearances with a positive message for the consumer, but at some point we must face the fact that there is an evil army engaged in a one-sided battle gaining victory on the low road and many of the defending troops have retreated.  In some instances the allies have even joined in assisting the enemy with programs to open the barn door wider, video taping request, financially damaging producers via  research and development by individuals who don't own an animal or operate a business. I agree that  R&D has benefited the producer in numerous ways, but "unintended consequences" should have been weighed before implementation of some programs and partnerships took place.

As Dave Delaney, V.P and General Manager of King Ranch  stated,  "The producer is the canary in the coal mine."  We all know what happens to a canary when the oxygen is depleted from the mine. Well, the oxygen is getting low, producer population is minute and dwindling and the balance in staying in business is fragile. These attacks cannot be ignored.  It's up to all of us to share stories such as Karen Budd-Falen's EAJA battle, The Smallhouse's Critical Habitat Story, The Valley (San Joaquin) Hope Forgot , The Dollarhite's Nightmare, Eric Davis' on-going WWP battle and I'm sure many, many more.  Connect your own dots, continue to take the high road with positive stories and images from our ranches...just don't forget the silent battle that continues to be waged by these three:

1. Animal Activists 
                                     HSUS   According to their100 Point Agenda they are using:
                                           DOJ and other agencies

Ballot Initiatives are the tools they use to complete their goals such as Prop 2 and Prop B.  They also use deceptive fund raising tactics through emotionally charged media images; uninformed, sympathetic viewers are quick to send funds.
                                     ESA  (declaration of "critical habitat" opportunities)
 Guidance and Procedural Law are being  used to reach their goals

3. The Government
                                    USDA (Avalos/ Moran)
                                    EPA (ESA)
                                    APHIS (The Dollarhite's Story, HSUS' Sarah Conant)
Over-reaching regulation and broadly written rules, all cleverly crafted are being used.  If one avenue fails, another one is pulled from their hat. Remember this administration's regulatory czar, Cass Sunstein believes animals have the right to sue their owners.

Now that the dots have been connected I can move on.  I have had questions for several years...why are these groups so intent on destroying our livelihoods, our ability to feed, heat,fuel and sustain the world?  Last month my friend Mindy Patterson introduced me to Agenda 21 and ICLEI and the reasons for these attacks became perfectly clear. 
Next Time..."NOW it's time to look closer at this global plan."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

WWP's Monstrous Marvel

"To Marvel, it’s clear what’s to blame—the same culprit he sees behind almost every poisoned stream and trampled hillside and denuded landscape west of the Great Plains: cows. Thousands and thousands of cows, eating their way across the range all summer long."

One more post on the Western Watershed Project-a clear view of Good vs Evil. This article shows how this radical group (who possess a lack of logic and disconnect from reality) uses lawsuits to decimate ranchers in the west.  It gives insight into the battles ranchers, such as Eric Davis, have been facing to hold onto their livelihoods.   Western Watershed's Monstrous Marvel